1.2.2. Basics regarding functionality

In order to determine whether an email address is allowed to download, it is detected whether the email address as a whole or the domain name or parts of it exist in an exclusion list.

Possibly via an inclusion list the parts download is allowed again.

In detail download authorizations are controlled via 4 different exclusion and inclusion lists, namely with the following priorities:

  1. Catalog inclusions list (see Section 1.2.3, “Manage catalog list”)

  2. Catalog exclusions list (see Section 1.2.3, “Manage catalog list”)

  3. Master inclusions list (see Section 1.2.4, “Manage master lists”)

  4. Master exclusions list (see Section 1.2.4, “Manage master lists”)

Depending on whether an email address is part of a list at all and if yes, in which, the permission to parts download results or not.

The following matrix shows the interaction of the above mentioned list types. The key figures in the matrix show the priority.


Inclusions list

Exclusions list

Catalog list

Administered by the supplier, entries optional.

Entries in the catalog inclusions list have the highest priority.

Via the catalog inclusions list the supplier can enhance the master inclusions list and maintain his own entries.

Via entries in the catalog inclusions list the supplier can overwrite entries in any other list.

Via the catalog exclusions list the supplier can enhance the master exclusions list and maintain his own entries.

Email addresses in this list cannot perform downloads, unless the catalog inclusions list counters.

Via entries in the catalog exclusions list the supplier can counter entries in the master inclusions list.

Master list

Administered by CADENAS, editing by the supplier is not possible and it can be activated or deactivated by the supplier. See Section, “Activate / deactivate master exclusions list”.

The master inclusions list is administered by CADENAS.

Email addresses in this list may perform downloads, unless the catalog exclusions list counters.

The master exclusions list is administered by CADENAS.

Email addresses in this list may not perform downloads, unless a inclusions list counters.


The following email address has to be checked:


If the catalog exclusions list contains the following entry and no other list counters, the above email address cannot perform any downloads.


Depending on whether you want to edit the catalog list or the master list, click on the respective link:

The following description is analogously divided in the two main sections catalog list and master list.