Basic settings (Generation Statistic) Filter options

On the main page (first page after opening Statistic), you can find the button More Statistics. After clicking on this button, you reach the dialogs described here. With <- Back you can return to the main page anytime.

Determine Type, Interval and Catalogs of statistic to be created. These basic settings are the same for all types of statistic.

  1. Type

    Under Type, select one of the options from Orders, Order items, Files, Billing, Search requests, CIP, RFQ, Infographic, Users, SmartSales or Email domain.

  2. Interval

    In the Interval area, either determine the interval with the help of list field options (Today, Yesterday, etc.) or via calendar function (From - To). Via minus and plus button, you can easily adjust the interval.

  3. Catalogs

    In the Catalogs area, determine the catalogs to be included in the statistic.


    For the most customers there is only one catalog available. This one is already selected. So you don't have to perform any settings.

    The procedure explained in the following applies if there is more than one catalog available: All available catalogs are displayed under Available items on the left. Catalogs determined for the statistic are displayed under Selected items on the right.

    Different filter options ease the selection.

    • Business units:

      Via list field select one or more business units. The display is adjusted dynamically with each change.


      With the uppermost checkbox you can remove or set all checkmarks. Afterwards perform a fine tuning - if needed.

    • Filter

      Insert the first letter(s) or the complete catalog name of desired catalog. The display is adjusted dynamically with each change.

    • All LIVE catalogs: The statistic is created for all LIVE catalogs. All other filter options are hidden.

    Catalog selection via arrow keys

    • Selection of a single catalog:

      Move selected catalog by clicking one of these buttons.

    • Selection of several catalogs:

      Via Ctrl key, select desired catalogs.

    • Selection of all displayed catalogs:

Once all settings are done start the statistic generation by clicking on Search or Extended search.


Before starting the generation please check, if at least one catalog is displayed in the right dialog area.


The statistic generation for a bigger amount of catalogs may take some time.


Using Extended search there will be no search performed in the first step, in order for you to be able to set filters first. See Section, “Filter options”.

On the next dialog page you can set the same filters afterwards just as well via More filters.


On the next dialog page you can analyze the statistic in table form and/or in chart form.